What is ViewSonic PD?

ViewSonic PD is training that uses a hands on approach, to dispel teacher fears of new technology, by providing quick, practical ways to take current content and present in a way that is interactive and engaging.

Our progam offers both on-site and virtual options. To contact us and build out your PD plan, click the button below.

Our PD Offerings

RATED 99.3% Effective by teachers in three consecutive years!

Note that we offer both on-site and virtual options to cover the sessions above. On-site training can be scheduled as:

**PD Cannot be split over multiple days**

What is covered during ViewSonic PD?

We work to create a custom agenda for every school we work with, based on their needs. That being said below is a scope and sequence that scaffolds participants new understandings of ViewSonic technologies.

ViewSonic PD Scope and Sequence

Need PD now? Try our free virtual how-to videos!

Getting Started with your ViewBoard

Sign In to myViewBoard using Google or Microsoft

How to save your myViewBoard Files

Import your files like Google Slides or PowerPoint